Upcoming Events
West Ohio United Women in Faith have many exciting events planned for you. You are invited to browse our calendar below and join us for a meaningful time of community and growth.
Virtual Book Club
Chats With Paula
2024 Annual Celebration
September is fast approaching, and I know you are busy planning for your “Fall” events. I enjoyed attending your meetings and getting to know you. The last two years have been a little crazy, but we are on the other side. New Districts and boards are in place, Shepherdess programs are working, Nominating is getting those slate of officers ready and we will celebrate all your accomplishments on Saturday, October 12th from 11:00 – 2:00 at the Confluence Boat House in Columbus. Flyers are available. If you have questions, please call me. 614-326-9062
United Women in Faith of West Ohio is part of an affirmative, inclusive national organization that fosters spiritual growth, develops leadership, advocates for justice, and educates for mission. Our members nurture one another in community as we answer God's call to turn faith, hope, and love into action. We respond to the challenges of our times, making a difference in the world and our local communities by providing opportunities for service and through cutting edge advocacy to improve the lives of women, children and youth in the U.S. and around the world. Connect with us by leaving a message.