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Writer's pictureWest Ohio UWF

January 2025

Updated: Jan 10

United Women in Faith of West Ohio 

January Inspirations

We believe love in action can change the world.


Happy New Year! I am excited to jump right into 2025. We have a great Leadership team ready to share with all of you throughout the districts. We still do not have a District Board in Scioto River. Sounds like a top priority. The Program Resource 2025 is Carrying Our Faith Forward which explores an intergenerational conversation about what it looks like to carry our faith forward in an expanding or new concept. As with the paths of water, our faith stories reflect a push and pull, peaks and waterfalls, and stagnant ponds and storms. Our Daily Prayer Guide 2025 has the theme Generations of Grace. This resource is your tool for reflection and guidance for the year ahead. I hope you have and use both resources in your units. Your daily routine should include looking at this website, updating your calendar, and attending wonderful webinars such as Faith Talks and Voices From the Field. Tune in to Paula’s Chats, which are designed to talk about UWF, answer questions, share ideas, and make new friends. (There is no agenda.) Unit officers, know who your District counterparts are and how to communicate with them. There is never a bad question. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at District events.

From the Power of a Praying Woman, Stormie Omartian

I commit my work to You, Lord, knowing You will establish it (Proverbs 16:3). May it always be that I love the work I do and be able to do the work I love. According to Your Word I pray that I will not lag in diligence in my work but remain fervent in spirit, serving You in everything I do (Romans 12:11). Establish the work of my hands so that what I do will find favor with others and be a blessing for many. May it always be glorifying to You.

Paula Nourse


Chats with Paula — Dates for 2025


Mark your calendars now! The dates for our quarterly Chats with Paula are February 11 (was previously February 18), April 15, July 29, and September 16, all from 7:00-8:00 p.m. To learn more and find a link to join, visit the "Chats with Paula" page.


In 2025 your WOC United Women in Faith Committee on Nominations will be looking for a Secretary, a Program Resource Coordinator, a Communications Coordinator, and a Nominations Committee Member Class of 2028. Nancy can supply a job description for each of these positions.


If you are seriously considering serving UWF at the Conference level, please contact a member of our committee:


Chair, Nancy Argabright –

Deb Mercer –

Frellie Easterling –

Mollie Manring –


Thank you for your prayerful consideration!



“Through the tender mercy of our God, with which the Dayspring from on high has visited us; To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Luke 1:78-79


New Year’s resolutions time again! Where did the year go? Did you complete your to-do list for 2024? I know I didn’t! Sometimes busyness got in the way. Sometimes it was just pure laziness! 


Zechariah's prophecy about his son, John (the Baptist), after his tongue was loosened, gives us a message for this year. As United Women of Faith, we are charged to bring light and peace to those who suffer from a lack of basic needs, emotional support, and spiritual guidance.


Social Action gives us plenty of ideas to put our passions to work. Last year I encouraged each of us to choose an area that excited us, that spoke to us about serving others, and making a difference structurally in policies or laws, to really make a change that is lasting. Here are some topics presented:


            Mental Health                                               Food Insecurity

            Prison Reform                                              Mother/Child Care   

            Homeless Care                                            Racial Justice

            Climate Justice                                           Immigration

            Voting Rights                                                Elections

            Caring for the Earth                                   Housing                    

            School-to-Prison Pipeline 

UWF national goals continue to be Climate Justice and the School-to-Prison Pipeline. Or choose another interest you have; and be sure to share it with us! You know your community and the folks who need support. Get your district and units involved and make a difference in 2025! There’s so much uncertainty facing us so it’s important to be actually accomplishing some mission goals. That will keep us more positive and focused.


Also, remember to check out the 2020-2025 reading lists for help – keep learning about your chosen topic. You will find ideas to guide your work this year. Blessings on the journey!


Becky Ruple, WOH Social Action Coordinator



Hello. Kim Hoessly, Assistant Dean, and I are excited about our MISSION u 2025 program being planned, and we’d like to share the following information with you:


Once again, Mission u 2025 will be held in two sessions – In-Person and Virtual Sessions:


In-Person: at BERGAMO CENTER, 4400 Shakertown Road, Dayton, OH 45430

(the Bergamo Center is accessible with living quarters, cafeteria, and classrooms all on one floor; however, this year two classes will be held in the lower level)

Date:  June 27, 2025, Registration begins at 9:30 a.m.  – June 29, 2025, Ending at 12:30 p.m.

Our Theme:  “Practicing Hope Together”


This theme will explore the hope that emerged within a small community of followers after the resurrection of Jesus that changed the world. Out of so much confusion and fear following the crucifixion of Jesus, grew a “Resurrection People” steeped in hope who began living out their faith in powerful ways.  


Registration fees:





Registration Opens April 1, 2025 (maximum attendees: 140)


Adult curriculum – Practicing Hope by Tabatha Holley

Practicing Hope is a biblical curriculum that invites us to explore hope as a daily practice. Its purpose is to allow all of our communities to cultivate hope that is honest about our current conditions (refugia), hope that is restorative when everything feels urgent (rest), and hope that is possible even when we transgress (repair).

Youth — Communities of the Spirit: Living into Hope as Resurrection People by Regina Heater

Communities of the Spirit invites youth to consider what they need in a community to help them be committed to actions that transform the world into the kin-dom they anticipate. Youth will explore the inexplicable hope we find in early post-resurrection Christian communities. Heater asks how we can create such “Communities of the Spirit” today by examining common themes found in the post-resurrection stories: bravery, miracles, rituals, time and diversity, the fruit of the Spirit, and adversity and perseverance.

Children — Hope as a Resurrection People by Joni Cisowski

Hope as a Resurrection People intends to help children build trust in Jesus to bring comfort and support as they find courageous hope in the face of uncertainty. Through each session, children will develop their understanding of hope by reflecting on important people, communities, places, activities, personal goals, and desires for the future. Then, they will look for ways to build communal hope to be the change our world needs today.


Virtual Sessions: Via Zoom: $25/person (same curriculum described above)

Wednesdays,  7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30 (7-9 p.m.)

Thursdays, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31 (10 a.m. – 12:00 noon)


More info to follow, including a flyer for the promotion of Mission u 2025 with registration info.

Feel free to contact me at for more info. 

Carolyn Johnson, Dean


We have many opportunities to review and discuss the books selected for our Reading Program. This year, we are going to use the resources available to us, including a new collaboration with The West Ohio Conference.

Emily Jones, UWF's Executive for Racial Justice – (Ending Mass Incarceration & Criminalization of Communities of Color and Priority Lead Liaison for Conference Social Action Coordinators) has invited us to the Book discussion We Are Not Here to be Bystanders: A Memoir of Love and Resistance by Linda Sarsour on 2/24, 7:00 p.m. You need to register to attend the virtual event.

Introducing a new connectional collaboration with The West Ohio Conference, led by Julie Carter, Director of Faith Formation and Lay Ministry. Each month, the Expanding Connections Book Club meets via Zoom to discuss the month's book selection. In this new partnership, we are inviting our UWF community to join people from all over West Ohio as we Expand our Connection with one another and people we haven't met yet. Each month, our book selections will be diverse, accessible, and empowering. This community of readers will be a hub promoting equality, equity, and inclusion and share the stories of the world to generate empathy and peace through books. Books will be announced the 15th of each month and a time for gathering and sharing will take place around the same time.


National Mission Institutions are community-based organizations and social service agencies that were almost exclusively founded by women in the 19th century to serve marginalized communities and populations across the United States. Today, United Women in Faith remains connected to these community centers, colleges, and residences providing vital services in vulnerable communities. National Mission Institutions empower women, care for children, support seniors, educate youth, provide housing for domestic violence survivors, and offer residences for special needs children and youth. National Mission Institutions also advocate for the women, children, youth, and families in the communities they serve.


Learn more about the Mission Institutions in West Ohio—their histories, missions, and how you can serve and support the vital work they do:



The National Office has many interesting events and gatherings such as Faith Talks, Voices of the Field, Podcasts, and Webinars. Go to the United Women in Faith website to find out more and to subscribe to their digital communications to stay up on the latest scoop by clicking here.

Important Information

Join us in celebrating all the ways we inspire, influence, and impact our churches and communities with our 2023 Annual Report. We will share the 2024 Annual Report once it is made available.

The United Women in Faith Board of Directors approved the organization's 2025 budget at its fall board meeting. Check out our report.

United Women in Faith continues to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the Middle East. Read our statement.

We join our friends at the General Commission on Religion and Race condemn false claims against migrants and call for action against racism and xenophobia. Read the full statement.


Support United Women in Faith

Please consider increasing your Pledge to Mission, both individually and from your local unit! Gifts to Mission make it possible for United Women in Faith to carry out its vital work to connect and nurture women through Christian formation, leadership development, creative fellowship and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.


The Legacy Endowment Fund

At the end of September, the Legacy Endowment Fund total was $41,787,023.00. We anticipate making our goal of $60M by the end of the quadrennium in 2028. To learn more about this fund and how you can give to keep United Women in Faith strong for the future go here.


Learn about All-Access Membership


All Access provides easy online availability to resources nationwide. Customize your experience and access more ways to put love in action. Because love in action can change the world. Learn more.

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